


SQL ServerではSCSUが使われている。


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次に圧縮率の比較を行う。ワードは英単語使用頻度トップ5000をランダムに選択しハイフンで、テキストはZipf 1.0で選択し空白で接続している。サンプルは次の代表的なダミーテキストである。

On the other hand, we denounce with righteous indignation and dislike men who are so beguiled and demoralized by the charms of pleasure of the moment, so blinded by desire, that they cannot foresee the pain and trouble that are bound to ensue; and equal blame belongs to those who fail in their duty through weakness of will, which is the same as saying through shrinking from toil and pain. These cases are perfectly simple and easy to distinguish. In a free hour, when our power of choice is untrammelled and when nothing prevents our being able to do what we like best, every pleasure is to be welcomed and every pain avoided. But in certain circumstances and owing to the claims of duty or the obligations of business it will frequently occur that pleasures have to be repudiated and annoyances accepted. The wise man therefore always holds in these matters to this principle of selection: he rejects pleasures to secure other greater pleasures, or else he endures pains to avoid worse pains.



DA(Delta ASCII)は文字テーブルをセグメント化しセグメント内の出現頻度の高い組み合わせを圧縮しているが平均的にはより圧縮率の高い素朴なデルタエンコーディングもあるためこのシミュレーション結果と比較する。Hはヘッダー、Eはエスケープ、Sはシフトで続く数字はそのためのビット数である。HPACKはHPACKの辞書によるハフマン符号化である(このためヘッダとしての構造的圧縮とは異なる)。左の数値は減少したサイズの比率(1 - after / before)で右は圧縮アルゴリズムにおける圧縮率(before / after)である。ここではわかりやすく左を圧縮率とする。圧縮率がマイナスのものは肥大化している。

'Delta   comp. ratio random number', 0.422590625, 1.7318735082886383
'HPACK   comp. ratio random number', 0.27509062500000003, 1.3794827801751082
'SimH2E5 comp. ratio random number', 0.46875, 1.8823529411764706
'SimH3E5 comp. ratio random number', 0.46875, 1.8823529411764706
'SimH2S5 comp. ratio random number', 0.46875, 1.8823529411764706
'SimH3S5 comp. ratio random number', 0.46875, 1.8823529411764706
'SimH2S0 comp. ratio random number', 0.46875, 1.8823529411764706

'Delta   comp. ratio random hex', 0.304153125, 1.4370977810312076
'HPACK   comp. ratio random hex', 0.25192812499999995, 1.3367699460696876
'SimH2E5 comp. ratio random hex', 0.019862500000000005, 1.0202650138373444
'SimH3E5 comp. ratio random hex', -0.040043749999999934, 0.961498013905665
'SimH2S5 comp. ratio random hex', 0.14002812499999995, 1.1628287262301455
'SimH3S5 comp. ratio random hex', 0.14002812499999995, 1.1628287262301455
'SimH2S0 comp. ratio random hex', 0.18818437499999996, 1.2318067911048152

'Delta   comp. ratio random 36', 0.06517968750000003, 1.0697242952773345
'HPACK   comp. ratio random 36', 0.25349999999999995, 1.3395847287340925
'SimH2E5 comp. ratio random 36', 0.05402343750000005, 1.0571086426890202
'SimH3E5 comp. ratio random 36', 0.0036562500000000275, 1.0036696672207759
'SimH2S5 comp. ratio random 36', 0.15463281250000005, 1.1829179258273494
'SimH3S5 comp. ratio random 36', 0.15463281250000005, 1.1829179258273494
'SimH2S0 comp. ratio random 36', 0.1783828125, 1.2171118316582197

'Delta   comp. ratio random 64', 0.17917968750000002, 1.2182934373958978
'HPACK   comp. ratio random 64', 0.188125, 1.2317167051578137
'SimH2E5 comp. ratio random 64', -0.17171874999999992, 0.8534471262835045
'SimH3E5 comp. ratio random 64', -0.25217187499999993, 0.7986124109359987
'SimH2S5 comp. ratio random 64', -0.010890625000000043, 0.9892267029383125
'SimH3S5 comp. ratio random 64', -0.010890625000000043, 0.9892267029383125
'SimH2S0 comp. ratio random 64', 0.09820312499999995, 1.1088971671142684

'Delta   comp. ratio word 3-6', 0.2918974981659963, 1.412224921406116
'HPACK   comp. ratio word 3-6', 0.21294680124459286, 1.2705621444412303
'SimH2E5 comp. ratio word 3-6', 0.2741392830942805, 1.3776747752143306
'SimH3E5 comp. ratio word 3-6', 0.2741139864916142, 1.377626764244642
'SimH2S5 comp. ratio word 3-6', 0.2740128000809491, 1.3774347538241751
'SimH3S5 comp. ratio word 3-6', 0.2740128000809491, 1.3774347538241751
'SimH2S0 comp. ratio word 3-6', 0.14601199058966385, 1.1709766284546343

'Delta   comp. ratio word 5-10', 0.3177409624576546, 1.4657189498027479
'HPACK   comp. ratio word 5-10', 0.2369947561371757, 1.3106069821189636
'SimH2E5 comp. ratio word 5-10', 0.28957260197688983, 1.4076033705663336
'SimH3E5 comp. ratio word 5-10', 0.28955713335498945, 1.4075727225222088
'SimH2S5 comp. ratio word 5-10', 0.2894333843797856, 1.4073275862068966
'SimH3S5 comp. ratio word 5-10', 0.2894333843797856, 1.4073275862068966
'SimH2S0 comp. ratio word 5-10', 0.22670812257335993, 1.2931727710987977

'Delta   comp. ratio word 1', 0.32395864291188936, 1.479199444701527
'HPACK   comp. ratio word 1', 0.2422142622514899, 1.3196342319283325
'SimH2E5 comp. ratio word 1', 0.3017002706042452, 1.4320498174405842
'SimH3E5 comp. ratio word 1', 0.3017002706042452, 1.4320498174405842
'SimH2S5 comp. ratio word 1', 0.3012935821432482, 1.4312162797465804
'SimH3S5 comp. ratio word 1', 0.3012935821432482, 1.4312162797465804
'SimH2S0 comp. ratio word 1', 0.2352223490951182, 1.3075695907389606

'Delta   comp. ratio word 2', 0.2984751349197725, 1.4254662233328514
'HPACK   comp. ratio word 2', 0.2732514759679815, 1.375991786611379
'SimH2E5 comp. ratio word 2', 0.3424173276830019, 1.5207213360359566
'SimH3E5 comp. ratio word 2', 0.34238835162447023, 1.5206543291473893
'SimH2S5 comp. ratio word 2', 0.2520337571081893, 1.3369587324339245
'SimH3S5 comp. ratio word 2', 0.2520337571081893, 1.3369587324339245
'SimH2S0 comp. ratio word 2', 0.3073345648158209, 1.4436984281366674

'Delta   comp. ratio word 4', 0.3330567982133731, 1.4993780539649715
'HPACK   comp. ratio word 4', 0.28805858344009694, 1.4046099534874574
'SimH2E5 comp. ratio word 4', 0.35931713327592607, 1.560834621835884
'SimH3E5 comp. ratio word 4', 0.3592751279412485, 1.5607322949503117
'SimH2S5 comp. ratio word 4', 0.22777392728876567, 1.2949575718015667
'SimH3S5 comp. ratio word 4', 0.22777392728876567, 1.2949575718015667
'SimH2S0 comp. ratio word 4', 0.3419794313877863, 1.519709333872392

'Delta   comp. ratio word 6', 0.3441845670148005, 1.524819255088448
'HPACK   comp. ratio word 6', 0.2926721326212379, 1.4137715281964383
'SimH2E5 comp. ratio word 6', 0.3644755979780424, 1.5735037031126458
'SimH3E5 comp. ratio word 6', 0.3644087525960211, 1.5733382171079593
'SimH2S5 comp. ratio word 6', 0.22031315908970417, 1.282566214446412
'SimH3S5 comp. ratio word 6', 0.22031315908970417, 1.282566214446412
'SimH2S0 comp. ratio word 6', 0.353072697810468, 1.5457687387987644

'Delta   comp. ratio word 8', 0.34956916567772556, 1.5374424877042678
'HPACK   comp. ratio word 8', 0.2947749514128958, 1.417987069522655
'SimH2E5 comp. ratio word 8', 0.3670570833978295, 1.579921306913905
'SimH3E5 comp. ratio word 8', 0.3670072063705003, 1.5797968161155957
'SimH2S5 comp. ratio word 8', 0.21643878024869723, 1.2762244669502574
'SimH3S5 comp. ratio word 8', 0.21643878024869723, 1.2762244669502574
'SimH2S0 comp. ratio word 8', 0.3583647214626008, 1.558517795778763

'Delta   comp. ratio word 1 upper', 0.2063318265004458, 1.2599724083563264
'HPACK   comp. ratio word 1 upper', 0.0559196633870892, 1.0592318907813638
'SimH2E5 comp. ratio word 1 upper', 0.17357776352630183, 1.2100352046030964
'SimH3E5 comp. ratio word 1 upper', 0.1453285573508939, 1.170040263543192
'SimH2S5 comp. ratio word 1 upper', 0.20617540786160082, 1.2597241379310344
'SimH3S5 comp. ratio word 1 upper', 0.20617540786160082, 1.2597241379310344
'SimH2S0 comp. ratio word 1 upper', 0.17534529414525035, 1.2126287437643444

'Delta   comp. ratio word 1 camel', 0.2663183744975052, 1.3629890203603028
'HPACK   comp. ratio word 1 camel', 0.21825092678043512, 1.279182840449798
'SimH2E5 comp. ratio word 1 camel', 0.026825796561918303, 1.0275652565256526
'SimH3E5 comp. ratio word 1 camel', -0.010949304719150232, 0.9891692840896783
'SimH2S5 comp. ratio word 1 camel', 0.1149989832788475, 1.129942204704926
'SimH3S5 comp. ratio word 1 camel', 0.1149989832788475, 1.129942204704926
'SimH2S0 comp. ratio word 1 camel', 0.12571366003973028, 1.143790031130354

'Delta   comp. ratio text 100', 0.35245982450951396, 1.544305724725944
'HPACK   comp. ratio text 100', 0.2929113674455289, 1.414249860568879
'SimH2E5 comp. ratio text 100', 0.3682342502218279, 1.5828651685393258
'SimH3E5 comp. ratio text 100', 0.36793847973972194, 1.582124473561067
'SimH2S5 comp. ratio text 100', 0.3692201518288475, 1.5853391684901532
'SimH3S5 comp. ratio text 100', 0.3692201518288475, 1.5853391684901532
'SimH2S0 comp. ratio text 100', 0.3615301192940944, 1.5662445954292774

'Delta   comp. ratio text 500', 0.35289073250503555, 1.5453340729783038
'HPACK   comp. ratio text 500', 0.2964122609337295, 1.4212868480725624
'SimH2E5 comp. ratio text 500', 0.3719960911792274, 1.5923467767545252
'SimH3E5 comp. ratio text 500', 0.37159723191671823, 1.591336083782926
'SimH2S5 comp. ratio text 500', 0.3724148934048621, 1.5934093870157933
'SimH3S5 comp. ratio text 500', 0.3724148934048621, 1.5934093870157933
'SimH2S0 comp. ratio text 500', 0.3686855593004008, 1.5839967146828406

'Delta   comp. ratio text 1000', 0.35317733768762916, 1.5460188058733615
'HPACK   comp. ratio text 1000', 0.29711078487181797, 1.422699308051889
'SimH2E5 comp. ratio text 1000', 0.3723522185936423, 1.5932502744761086
'SimH3E5 comp. ratio text 1000', 0.37209255874804004, 1.5925914144386302
'SimH2S5 comp. ratio text 1000', 0.37293145978767817, 1.5947220054468139
'SimH3S5 comp. ratio text 1000', 0.37293145978767817, 1.5947220054468139
'SimH2S0 comp. ratio text 1000', 0.3689866275179515, 1.5847524689794885

'Delta   comp. ratio country', 0.30586832061068703, 1.4406488418448002
'HPACK   comp. ratio country', 0.23847805343511452, 1.3131597907464838
'SimH2E5 comp. ratio country', 0.05405534351145036, 1.0571442981792505
'SimH3E5 comp. ratio country', -0.002934160305343436, 0.9970744238042004
'SimH2S5 comp. ratio country', 0.13188215648854962, 1.151917343335669
'SimH3S5 comp. ratio country', 0.13188215648854962, 1.151917343335669
'SimH2S0 comp. ratio country', 0.130462786259542, 1.1500370360209597

'Delta   comp. ratio sample', 0.3544176706827309, 1.5489891135303266
'HPACK   comp. ratio sample', 0.29518072289156627, 1.4188034188034189
'SimH2E5 comp. ratio sample', 0.3644578313253012, 1.5734597156398105
'SimH3E5 comp. ratio sample', 0.3624497991967871, 1.568503937007874
'SimH2S5 comp. ratio sample', 0.3654618473895582, 1.5759493670886076
'SimH3S5 comp. ratio sample', 0.3654618473895582, 1.5759493670886076
'SimH2S0 comp. ratio sample', 0.35843373493975905, 1.5586854460093897

'Delta   comp. ratio json', 0.17592592592592593, 1.2134831460674158
'HPACK   comp. ratio json', 0.16666666666666663, 1.2
'SimH2E5 comp. ratio json', 0.15740740740740744, 1.1868131868131868
'SimH3E5 comp. ratio json', 0.12962962962962965, 1.148936170212766
'SimH2S5 comp. ratio json', 0.2129629629629629, 1.2705882352941176
'SimH3S5 comp. ratio json', 0.2129629629629629, 1.2705882352941176
'SimH2S0 comp. ratio json', 0.18518518518518523, 1.2272727272727273




'Huffman comp. ratio random number', 0.46875, 1.8823529411764706
'Delta   comp. ratio random number', 0.422590625, 1.7318735082886383
'HPACK   comp. ratio random number', 0.27509062500000003, 1.3794827801751082
'SimH2E5 comp. ratio random number', 0.46875, 1.8823529411764706
'SimH3E5 comp. ratio random number', 0.46875, 1.8823529411764706
'SimH2S5 comp. ratio random number', 0.46875, 1.8823529411764706
'SimH3S5 comp. ratio random number', 0.46875, 1.8823529411764706
'SimH2S0 comp. ratio random number', 0.46875, 1.8823529411764706

'Huffman comp. ratio random hex', 0.421784375, 1.7294586254046662
'Delta   comp. ratio random hex', 0.304153125, 1.4370977810312076
'HPACK   comp. ratio random hex', 0.25192812499999995, 1.3367699460696876
'SimH2E5 comp. ratio random hex', 0.019862500000000005, 1.0202650138373444
'SimH3E5 comp. ratio random hex', -0.040043749999999934, 0.961498013905665
'SimH2S5 comp. ratio random hex', 0.14002812499999995, 1.1628287262301455
'SimH3S5 comp. ratio random hex', 0.14002812499999995, 1.1628287262301455
'SimH2S0 comp. ratio random hex', 0.18818437499999996, 1.2318067911048152

'Huffman comp. ratio random 36', 0.09043749999999995, 1.0994296708582423
'Delta   comp. ratio random 36', 0.06517968750000003, 1.0697242952773345
'HPACK   comp. ratio random 36', 0.25349999999999995, 1.3395847287340925
'SimH2E5 comp. ratio random 36', 0.05402343750000005, 1.0571086426890202
'SimH3E5 comp. ratio random 36', 0.0036562500000000275, 1.0036696672207759
'SimH2S5 comp. ratio random 36', 0.15463281250000005, 1.1829179258273494
'SimH3S5 comp. ratio random 36', 0.15463281250000005, 1.1829179258273494
'SimH2S0 comp. ratio random 36', 0.1783828125, 1.2171118316582197

'Huffman comp. ratio random 64', 0.22778906249999997, 1.2949829527634733
'Delta   comp. ratio random 64', 0.17917968750000002, 1.2182934373958978
'HPACK   comp. ratio random 64', 0.188125, 1.2317167051578137
'SimH2E5 comp. ratio random 64', -0.17171874999999992, 0.8534471262835045
'SimH3E5 comp. ratio random 64', -0.25217187499999993, 0.7986124109359987
'SimH2S5 comp. ratio random 64', -0.010890625000000043, 0.9892267029383125
'SimH3S5 comp. ratio random 64', -0.010890625000000043, 0.9892267029383125
'SimH2S0 comp. ratio random 64', 0.09820312499999995, 1.1088971671142684

'Huffman comp. ratio word 3-6', 0.27659305355290786, 1.3823477987201456
'Delta   comp. ratio word 3-6', 0.2918974981659963, 1.412224921406116
'HPACK   comp. ratio word 3-6', 0.21294680124459286, 1.2705621444412303
'SimH2E5 comp. ratio word 3-6', 0.2741392830942805, 1.3776747752143306
'SimH3E5 comp. ratio word 3-6', 0.2741139864916142, 1.377626764244642
'SimH2S5 comp. ratio word 3-6', 0.2740128000809491, 1.3774347538241751
'SimH3S5 comp. ratio word 3-6', 0.2740128000809491, 1.3774347538241751
'SimH2S0 comp. ratio word 3-6', 0.14601199058966385, 1.1709766284546343

'Huffman comp. ratio word 5-10', 0.2896344764644918, 1.4077259760904122
'Delta   comp. ratio word 5-10', 0.3177409624576546, 1.4657189498027479
'HPACK   comp. ratio word 5-10', 0.2369947561371757, 1.3106069821189636
'SimH2E5 comp. ratio word 5-10', 0.28957260197688983, 1.4076033705663336
'SimH3E5 comp. ratio word 5-10', 0.28955713335498945, 1.4075727225222088
'SimH2S5 comp. ratio word 5-10', 0.2894333843797856, 1.4073275862068966
'SimH3S5 comp. ratio word 5-10', 0.2894333843797856, 1.4073275862068966
'SimH2S0 comp. ratio word 5-10', 0.22670812257335993, 1.2931727710987977

'Huffman comp. ratio word 1', 0.3017784799236677, 1.4322102244724226
'Delta   comp. ratio word 1', 0.32395864291188936, 1.479199444701527
'HPACK   comp. ratio word 1', 0.2422142622514899, 1.3196342319283325
'SimH2E5 comp. ratio word 1', 0.3017002706042452, 1.4320498174405842
'SimH3E5 comp. ratio word 1', 0.3017002706042452, 1.4320498174405842
'SimH2S5 comp. ratio word 1', 0.3012935821432482, 1.4312162797465804
'SimH3S5 comp. ratio word 1', 0.3012935821432482, 1.4312162797465804
'SimH2S0 comp. ratio word 1', 0.2352223490951182, 1.3075695907389606

'Huffman comp. ratio word 2', 0.340729472273534, 1.5168280060213826
'Delta   comp. ratio word 2', 0.2984751349197725, 1.4254662233328514
'HPACK   comp. ratio word 2', 0.2732514759679815, 1.375991786611379
'SimH2E5 comp. ratio word 2', 0.3424173276830019, 1.5207213360359566
'SimH3E5 comp. ratio word 2', 0.34238835162447023, 1.5206543291473893
'SimH2S5 comp. ratio word 2', 0.2520337571081893, 1.3369587324339245
'SimH3S5 comp. ratio word 2', 0.2520337571081893, 1.3369587324339245
'SimH2S0 comp. ratio word 2', 0.3073345648158209, 1.4436984281366674

'Huffman comp. ratio word 4', 0.3570663474261231, 1.5553704429635438
'Delta   comp. ratio word 4', 0.3330567982133731, 1.4993780539649715
'HPACK   comp. ratio word 4', 0.28805858344009694, 1.4046099534874574
'SimH2E5 comp. ratio word 4', 0.35931713327592607, 1.560834621835884
'SimH3E5 comp. ratio word 4', 0.3592751279412485, 1.5607322949503117
'SimH2S5 comp. ratio word 4', 0.22777392728876567, 1.2949575718015667
'SimH3S5 comp. ratio word 4', 0.22777392728876567, 1.2949575718015667
'SimH2S0 comp. ratio word 4', 0.3419794313877863, 1.519709333872392

'Huffman comp. ratio word 6', 0.3620691642252736, 1.567568055846624
'Delta   comp. ratio word 6', 0.3441845670148005, 1.524819255088448
'HPACK   comp. ratio word 6', 0.2926721326212379, 1.4137715281964383
'SimH2E5 comp. ratio word 6', 0.3644755979780424, 1.5735037031126458
'SimH3E5 comp. ratio word 6', 0.3644087525960211, 1.5733382171079593
'SimH2S5 comp. ratio word 6', 0.22031315908970417, 1.282566214446412
'SimH3S5 comp. ratio word 6', 0.22031315908970417, 1.282566214446412
'SimH2S0 comp. ratio word 6', 0.353072697810468, 1.5457687387987644

'Huffman comp. ratio word 8', 0.3644927162341125, 1.5735460875825096
'Delta   comp. ratio word 8', 0.34956916567772556, 1.5374424877042678
'HPACK   comp. ratio word 8', 0.2947749514128958, 1.417987069522655
'SimH2E5 comp. ratio word 8', 0.3670570833978295, 1.579921306913905
'SimH3E5 comp. ratio word 8', 0.3670072063705003, 1.5797968161155957
'SimH2S5 comp. ratio word 8', 0.21643878024869723, 1.2762244669502574
'SimH3S5 comp. ratio word 8', 0.21643878024869723, 1.2762244669502574
'SimH2S0 comp. ratio word 8', 0.3583647214626008, 1.558517795778763

'Huffman comp. ratio word 1 upper', -0.006710359606450611, 0.9933343691733997
'Delta   comp. ratio word 1 upper', 0.2063318265004458, 1.2599724083563264
'HPACK   comp. ratio word 1 upper', 0.0559196633870892, 1.0592318907813638
'SimH2E5 comp. ratio word 1 upper', 0.17357776352630183, 1.2100352046030964
'SimH3E5 comp. ratio word 1 upper', 0.1453285573508939, 1.170040263543192
'SimH2S5 comp. ratio word 1 upper', 0.20617540786160082, 1.2597241379310344
'SimH3S5 comp. ratio word 1 upper', 0.20617540786160082, 1.2597241379310344
'SimH2S0 comp. ratio word 1 upper', 0.17534529414525035, 1.2126287437643444

'Huffman comp. ratio word 1 camel', 0.18318186795138514, 1.2242627345844503
'Delta   comp. ratio word 1 camel', 0.2663183744975052, 1.3629890203603028
'HPACK   comp. ratio word 1 camel', 0.21825092678043512, 1.279182840449798
'SimH2E5 comp. ratio word 1 camel', 0.026825796561918303, 1.0275652565256526
'SimH3E5 comp. ratio word 1 camel', -0.010949304719150232, 0.9891692840896783
'SimH2S5 comp. ratio word 1 camel', 0.1149989832788475, 1.129942204704926
'SimH3S5 comp. ratio word 1 camel', 0.1149989832788475, 1.129942204704926
'SimH2S0 comp. ratio word 1 camel', 0.12571366003973028, 1.143790031130354

'Huffman comp. ratio text 100', 0.36971310263235724, 1.5865790708587517
'Delta   comp. ratio text 100', 0.35245982450951396, 1.544305724725944
'HPACK   comp. ratio text 100', 0.2929113674455289, 1.414249860568879
'SimH2E5 comp. ratio text 100', 0.3682342502218279, 1.5828651685393258
'SimH3E5 comp. ratio text 100', 0.36793847973972194, 1.582124473561067
'SimH2S5 comp. ratio text 100', 0.3692201518288475, 1.5853391684901532
'SimH3S5 comp. ratio text 100', 0.3692201518288475, 1.5853391684901532
'SimH2S0 comp. ratio text 100', 0.3615301192940944, 1.5662445954292774

'Huffman comp. ratio text 500', 0.3732724408192569, 1.5955896391522943
'Delta   comp. ratio text 500', 0.35289073250503555, 1.5453340729783038
'HPACK   comp. ratio text 500', 0.2964122609337295, 1.4212868480725624
'SimH2E5 comp. ratio text 500', 0.3719960911792274, 1.5923467767545252
'SimH3E5 comp. ratio text 500', 0.37159723191671823, 1.591336083782926
'SimH2S5 comp. ratio text 500', 0.3724148934048621, 1.5934093870157933
'SimH3S5 comp. ratio text 500', 0.3724148934048621, 1.5934093870157933
'SimH2S0 comp. ratio text 500', 0.3686855593004008, 1.5839967146828406

'Huffman comp. ratio text 1000', 0.3735506486502681, 1.5962982447749774
'Delta   comp. ratio text 1000', 0.35317733768762916, 1.5460188058733615
'HPACK   comp. ratio text 1000', 0.29711078487181797, 1.422699308051889
'SimH2E5 comp. ratio text 1000', 0.3723522185936423, 1.5932502744761086
'SimH3E5 comp. ratio text 1000', 0.37209255874804004, 1.5925914144386302
'SimH2S5 comp. ratio text 1000', 0.37293145978767817, 1.5947220054468139
'SimH3S5 comp. ratio text 1000', 0.37293145978767817, 1.5947220054468139
'SimH2S0 comp. ratio text 1000', 0.3689866275179515, 1.5847524689794885

'Huffman comp. ratio country', 0.208587786259542, 1.2635640221847118
'Delta   comp. ratio country', 0.30586832061068703, 1.4406488418448002
'HPACK   comp. ratio country', 0.23847805343511452, 1.3131597907464838
'SimH2E5 comp. ratio country', 0.05405534351145036, 1.0571442981792505
'SimH3E5 comp. ratio country', -0.002934160305343436, 0.9970744238042004
'SimH2S5 comp. ratio country', 0.13188215648854962, 1.151917343335669
'SimH3S5 comp. ratio country', 0.13188215648854962, 1.151917343335669
'SimH2S0 comp. ratio country', 0.130462786259542, 1.1500370360209597

'Huffman comp. ratio sample', 0.36345381526104414, 1.5709779179810726
'Delta   comp. ratio sample', 0.3544176706827309, 1.5489891135303266
'HPACK   comp. ratio sample', 0.29518072289156627, 1.4188034188034189
'SimH2E5 comp. ratio sample', 0.3644578313253012, 1.5734597156398105
'SimH3E5 comp. ratio sample', 0.3624497991967871, 1.568503937007874
'SimH2S5 comp. ratio sample', 0.3654618473895582, 1.5759493670886076
'SimH3S5 comp. ratio sample', 0.3654618473895582, 1.5759493670886076
'SimH2S0 comp. ratio sample', 0.35843373493975905, 1.5586854460093897

'Huffman comp. ratio json', 0.2314814814814815, 1.3012048192771084
'Delta   comp. ratio json', 0.17592592592592593, 1.2134831460674158
'HPACK   comp. ratio json', 0.16666666666666663, 1.2
'SimH2E5 comp. ratio json', 0.15740740740740744, 1.1868131868131868
'SimH3E5 comp. ratio json', 0.12962962962962965, 1.148936170212766
'SimH2S5 comp. ratio json', 0.2129629629629629, 1.2705882352941176
'SimH3S5 comp. ratio json', 0.2129629629629629, 1.2705882352941176
'SimH2S0 comp. ratio json', 0.18518518518518523, 1.2272727272727273



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'HPACK   comp. ratio request', 0.2471534653465347, 1.3282919612033537
'Delta   comp. ratio request', 0.19801980198019797, 1.2469135802469136
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